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The Definition of a New Home Sales Pro

Written by Star Report | Jul 28, 2016

By Keith McKinney, Vice President of Organizational Development - New Home Star

Much of my time is spent traveling across the country to meet, train and mentor new home sales associates. Though these professionals come from various markets and backgrounds, a few traits seem common across the board: a healthy dose of confidence, pride and self-accomplishment. These are, no doubt, a result of graduating a rigorous training program and working hard to achieve goals for their career. It can be easy for any new sales associate to enter into their role saying, "I'm a pro!" But what does it really take to be a new home sales "pro"? Let's take a closer look:


Constant Practice 

This one is simple. If you don't want to practice, you can't become a pro. Malcolm Gladwell, author of Outliers, provides professionals with tips for becoming a master at your craft. To become a pro, Gladwell says, it takes up to a whopping 10,000 hours of practice! As salespeople, we can't reach this level of mastery by simply interacting with guests that visit our model. Instead, we should be role-playing various situations with other sales associates or in front of a mirror. You'll be amazed at what a little practice can do.

Positive Conflict Management 

One of the best ways a sales associate can show they are a pro is during any form of conflict. Perhaps you're dealing with a price increase; perhaps your next phase won't be ready for another six months; perhaps the competition has just announced a $30,000 incentive. These circumstances make it easy to let professionalism fade and impatience prevail. How you tackle any form of conflict (whether it be with a buyer or a builder) speaks more to who you are as a sales pro than how well you do during easier months. Don't just complain when you believe change needs to be implemented, develop strategic solutions and communicate respectfully.

Staying Proactive

A sales associate who sits in their model all day and simply does their job may or may not be successful. However, to truly become a sales pro, being proactive is key. So, what does this look like in new home sales? It may look like reading weekly articles pertaining to the homebuilding industry. It may mean becoming an expert on the latest housing trends, which allows you to give more relevant information to your customer. It may look like you attending Chamber of Commerce gatherings, city meetings, HOA meetings or even school board meetings. Going above and beyond to understand your target consumer group, ensure your marketing efforts are a success, or help your builder or manager for an extra hour are prime examples of staying proactive in your professional life. 


I've been throwing the term "pro" around quite a bit. It's easy for us to claim we are pros, just because we do something for our job. However, a true sales pro knows their craft inside and out, always going the extra mile to become the best they can be. Are you simply getting by? Or are you becoming a master at your craft?

Keith McKinney is a seasoned industry leader with 15+ years' experience in sales training and management. He is currently the Vice President of Organizational Development at New Home Star, traveling across the country to lead and develop sales professionals.