New home sales role-playing is an outstanding learning and performance tool that acclimates salespeople to the most effective ways to build rapport, handle objections, and ultimately, close customers on their product and make the sale. This process of repetitive training enables salespeople to have a purposeful, focused practice session that analyzes a variety of real-life scenarios they could face with the public. The safe space created by performing sales role-play with those who are knowledgeable in builder operations and the SalesFunnel at NewHome Star enables new home sales agents to receive constructive feedback from colleagues and managers alike.
With the framework in mind, why does the statement, "Let's role-play that scenario," conjure up so many negative feelings for salespeople? For many, it activates a sense of dread, anxiety, and fear. I can assure you that most of your sales teams probably loathe the process. Now is the time to pivot and demonstrate how beneficial role-playing can be to the individual and organization.
Sales Role-Play Tip #1: Repetition is Key
One of the main advantages of sales role-play is that your sales rockstars get better through repetition, similar to the concept of how athletes train. If we look at the lives and careers of some of the most elite athletes in the world, practicing their craft and becoming an expert at it was a result of repetition. They have all spent an exorbitant amount of time honing their craft to be better and, eventually, be great. New home sales role-playing offers the same value in the sales arena when executed properly. An important aspect of sales role-play is to create real-life scenarios that present practical objections and mirror concerns that would arise during interactions with their targeted consumers. Rehearsing responses to these objections allows employees to become more comfortable and better equipped to address these concerns when presented in real-life interactions on the sales floor.
Sales Role-Play Tip #2: Perfect Practice Makes Perfect
The famed football coach, Vince Lombardi, has said, "Practice does not make perfect. Perfect Practice makes perfect." Since most agents find it difficult to create something without guidelines, a best practice is for the manager or trainer to play the role of salesperson first. This not only offers a template of how the interaction should be conducted but also gives the employee something to build on and personalize once the mastery of the original concept is achieved. Studies have shown that the more repetition a salesperson has with someone who excels in a certain skill, the more they learn during a repetitive process. With the sales process being non-linear, the sales agent also needs to apply an improvisational style of learning as opposed to scripting. The ability of the salesperson to respond to any question or comment presented by the prospect using their own words as a response helps to increase their credibility with their customer and the probability of successfully converting the sale.
Sales Role-Play Tip #3: Feedback is Vital
As managers, it is important to remember that new home sales role-playing is a development tool to aid the participants in reaching the end goal: getting the sale. When debriefing with an individual after a role-play, it is vital to provide feedback that will allow the salesperson to explore how to make adjustments to become better instead of providing criticism that will stifle their growth. Some important things to discuss are how the sales agent feels about their performance, how they think their buyer would feel after a similar interaction, and, most importantly, what they would do or say differently should this scenario reoccur. These are great questions that will allow the manager to open a line of communication to help build and empower the sales team to be a stronger and more successful representative for their organization.
Level-up Your New Home Sales Role-Playing
Want to improve sales role-playing for you and your team? NewHome Star offers the industry's premier new home sales training program. Our unique process combines in-person workshops, coaching for your leadership, and online video modules hosted in the largest and most extensive training platform in the industry—all to drive sustained results and empower your sales leadership. Learn more about our New Home Sales Training program today.