An effective website is one of the most important marketing tools for a home builder. Unfortunately, creating a credible and unique website is not an easy undertaking. Maximizing your online presence begins with a simple framework for doing a high-level site review once a visitor arrives.
We begin the review with two goals that every builder's website should achieve. Keep in mind that buying behaviors have changed over time. Today, your site should educate and engage each individual visitor.
- Goal for Customers: Inspire them to utilize your website for research, and consider you when they are ready to take action in the buying process.
- Goal for Builders: Assist customers through the buying funnel.
Meeting the Customer Goal
As customers come across your website, the main goal is to become a trusted source for them during the buying process. Every customer asks two questions upon arrival:
1. Do you have the information I am looking for?
Your site must give each and every customer what they want based on their stage in the buying funnel. The New Home Star 'Sales Funnel' outlines a path for home buyers, and your site should be able to provide specific information on each of the following steps:

2. Why should I get it from you?
Your site must establish trust, credibility, and simplicity with every click...especially the first one! A visitor should be able to assess whether your builder is the right fit, as well as whether they are a credible option. Everything they see will affect their perception, from the type of colors used, the awards shown, homeowner testimonials, photography, copy, messaging statements, etc. (Every little detail is important!)
Meeting the Builder Goal
A website serves as your virtual sales center and allows pre-selling to begin. Your end goal should be getting prospects to come onsite for a consultation in order to kickstart the sales cycle. Below are two questions to consider when assisting customers through the buying funnel:
1. Do you have specific actions you want your visitors to take?
Be specific when identifying actions for each of your buyer segments. This can be accomplished through multiple conversion features such as, "request more info", "set up a design consultation" or "download brochure". Each instance provides contact information that your sales team can use for follow up. Keep in mind that some prospects are simply not ready to visit your community just yet. Once they are ready, however, your brand will have a higher chance of being at the forefront of their mind.
2. Are you taking your visitors through the most favorable thought process?
The key to success here is navigating the customer through a simple, intuitive, and guided path. As they move from page to page, you're building an emotional appeal that results in them wanting to pursue your builder as a viable option for their home buying needs. Consider each of your target consumer groups individually, across different stages of the buying funnel.
Want to learn more about marketing your builder and community online? Check out our article, The Importance of Facebook Marketing in New Home Sales.